Citizens of the Milky Way

Let’s do more with all that star power

You’re the star of a great mystery unfolding!


You owe it to yourself to
get to know yourself

“Know thyself” is essential to a great life. These words of advice have traveled from deep antiquity, spanning every culture and every era.

Why spend hours watching what everyone else is doing when you won the cosmic lottery? Ditch the popcorn. You’re the star in a great mystery unfolding.

OUR METHOD, part 1:

The wisdom of the ages
in the palm of your hand

A small team of tech-savvy women started TapRoots Wisdom, Inc. with a clear goal: make smart phones live up to the name.

The plan: build a bridge back through time to awaken timeless lessons, with a linguistics-based algorithm to harness them.
The result: the world’s first interactive Wisdom Engine.

A taproot is the unseen center of survival for trees. Similarly, a key to human success lies in the intangibles; digging deep into ourselves. 

Our gaming platform is here to make introspection fun and rewarding. Use it to evolve from a gatherer of KNOWLEDGE to applier of WISDOM.

OUR METHOD, part 2:

Interactive Wisdom Engine

Delivering apps that are good for you, your wallet and the planet takes some doing. Below details how the sausage is made. Hope you are not squeamish.

…reading signals from our language and emotions

Knosis factors assess your current advantage by calculating essential characteristics of overall well-being: Mind, Body, Spirit, and Heart. The key is to think holistically and address the root cause of issues or risk limiting the ability to truly heal.

The Emotions Meter assesses your dominant emotional state. Claim the energy it represents – it is your primary motivator in the moment. Emotions are full-body instinctual signals and offer actionable insight. There is an upside to feeling down. Negative emotions do us a great favor and are necessary for feeling good.

Well of Words. Words have the power to help, heal, hinder, or harm – whether spoken to another or to ourselves. Is your inner voice supportive or negative? Become aware of negative self-talk and challenge it.

Bottom line: the goal of Introspection is practical wisdom by learn the art and science of transmuting strengths and emotions into constructive actions.

…that moment of clarity to see an underlying truth or true nature of a thing

Even better than your sparkly eyes, you inherited instinct, intuition and memories that served as ancestral survival tools; same goes for you. Out of the habit of tuning into them? We’ll help jog your memory.

Ancestral Journey. Experts say insights are often long- forgotten memories. That’s why we’ve built a bridge back in time, re-telling your story from the very beginning.

Curated Wisdom. While knowledge is important; wisdom is the practical ability to make consistently good decisions. We continuously collect and curate our living well of content, adding global science, history and lore, to tailor ancient wisdom with modern insights.

Universal Rhythm (U.R.) Algorithm. Our linguistics- based algorithm measures Knosis characteristics and words’ emotional categories and intensities so we can serve you personalized wisdom and action-steps linked to a specific time and place in history. Current word bank is 7000+, covering 98% of conversational English.

Source: Mark Beeman, Northwestern University neuroscientist

…something that motivates or encourages one to do something

The primary incentive for using our apps is curiosity stimulating, enlightening self-discovery. Add to that achievements-engine sweeteners to make it more rewarding for you and the planet.

Blockchain. We’re not using the blockchain because it is the buzzy thing everybody is confused about. Its purpose is to unlock opportunities to invest in oneself while potentially making money trading Artifacts. Our blockchain’s virtual wallet allows multiple currencies, including the dollar. (How retro.)

Plant trees. Humans are hard-wired to give back, a good thing since we owe a debt to mother Earth. Planting trees is one of the easiest ways to spruce her up. Bad pun alert. If you spend dollars in our app, trees will be planted through American Forests as well as added to your virtual grove on the app.

Rewards for self, wallet & planet. Integrating blockchain capabilities and planting trees offer a win- win-win eco-system that fuels our products, our people (“Users”) and our planet.


Bring yours
(attitude, that is)

Everything flows from attitude. It is the one thing we can control, regardless of circumstances. Through a series of quirky quizzes and modern data mash-ups you’ll see a broader perspective of you. Along the way you can build your personal book of wisdom.

         Boris the boar in a down dog pose, green grass and blue sky. White lettering saying

A brief note from our lawyers: Boris has never been to med school (no opposable thumbs) and we do not offer medical advice. We’re here to light a spark so that you take better care of you. Here’s a health tip from Hippocrates (~500 BC): have a real-life relationship with a real-life doctor.


Unearth your wisdom

OK, so you’ve crushed candy and seen enough party pics that didn’t include you. It’s time to consider the un-game and un-Facebook; a place to unearth the most important person on your family tree: YOU. Your cousin may disagree.

Our wish for you: May you discover yourself over and over again, and may that learning help you live—really live—every day of your life.

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Boris, the boar
behind the myth

In TapRoots, Users are not only guided by the vast wisdom of the ages, but also by the bristly wiles of our wild spokes-boar, ancient symbol of the raw power and bravery that lies within all of us. The year of his birth has been lost to the mists of time or by his clever use of the delete key, but when pressed he will admit to not having been carded for a while.

Boris (Slavic for “warrior”) is resourceful and intelligent with a personality so magnetic that he’s unable to carry credit cards. He has counted to infinity – twice. His sock drawer organizes itself. He has taught old dogs a wide variety of new tricks and is always there to help friends when they ask.



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